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Collezioni digitali di musica a stampa (1915-1918)
[accesso e download gratuiti]

  • Europeana [>> sezione sulla musica]
    Scopri storie personali, partiture, film e documenti storici relativi alla Prima Guerra Mondiale e partecipa condividendo la storia della tua famiglia. Il sito Europeana 1914-1918 riunisce materiale proveniente dalle biblioteche e dagli archivi di tutto il mondo ai ricordi e cimeli delle famiglie d’Europa.
  • Archivio degli inni e delle canzoni italiane e straniere
    Vasta raccolta di spartiti di canti dal Risorgimento alla II metà del ‘900 con testi, bibliografia, discografia, copertine delle edizioni musicali d’epoca; la sezione 1915-1918 è suddivisa in: Grande Guerra, Canti di trincea, Varianti di brani noti, Irredentismo, Canti popolari, Poesie.
  • Washington DC (USA), Library of Congress
    From 1914 through 1920 the Library of Congress acquired over 14,000 pieces of sheet music relating to what ultimately became known as the First World War, with the greatest number coming from the years of the United States’ active involvement (1917-1918) and the immediate postwar period.  America’s entry into the war came at a time when popular songwriting and the music publishing industry, centered in New York’s Tin Pan Alley, was at its height and a new musical form known as “jazz” was emerging.  The sheet music collection represents the intersection of this rich output of popular song and the consciousness of a nation at war that was itself emerging, as a major world power.
    In addition to commercially published songs, the collection also contains “music of the people” – the work of amateurs in vanity press editions and unpublished manuscripts.  The essay “World War I Sheet Music at the Library of Congress: America’s War, as Viewed by Publishers and the Public” discusses the historical context of the collected songs and their reflection of American society during the war.
  • Library and Archives Canada
    The First World War is often described as the crucible in which Canada came of age, in which a colony became a nation. The performance of Canadian troops, particularly Sir Arthur Currie’s Canadian Corps, a unified Canadian unit operating extremely effectively under Canadian command, certainly helped to validate the idea of Canadian nationhood in the eyes of the world.
  • Providence (RI, USA), Brown University Library Center 
    The World War I digital sheet music collection is drawn from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library. It is composed of over 1,800 titles that relate in some way to the events of World War I, and the impact of that war on American society. There are patriotic songs, songs relating to specific military units, romantic songs of love and loss, comic songs, and songs that look to the war’s end.
    The World War I sheet music provides a wealth of information about America’s participation in the Great War. Access to the digital collection is by keyword search or by browsing creators and contributors, titles, subjects, and publishers.
    All pages of the sheet music have been digitized: covers, text and notation pages, and back covers with advertisements.
  • Duke University Libraries
    Provides access to digital images for over 3,000 pieces from the collection, published in the United States between 1850 and 1920. […] The sheet music chosen for digital reproduction represents a wide variety of music types including bel canto, minstrel songs, protest songs, sentimental songs, patriotic and political songs, plantation songs, Civil War songs, spirituals, dance music, songs from vaudeville and musicals, “Tin pan alley” songs, and songs from World War I.
  • Mississippi State University Libraries
    Digital collection of War songs (Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection).
    In order to galvanize American might during World War I, President Woodrow Wilson turned to New York’s Tin Pan Alley for help. Some war songs were written out of pure patriotic conviction, while others were more “made-to-order.” Irving Berlin was among the leaders in patriotic songs, as he was drafted into the U.S. Army and stationed at Camp Upton, on Long Island. While in the army, he was commissioned to write a musical, Yip, Yip, Yaphank (1918), performed by army personnel as a benefit to build a service center at Camp Upton. The musical included the hit song (sung by Berlin) “Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning”. The sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. which also includes music players and recordings. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the site. Some restricted titles are available upon request.

Elenchi di composizioni

  • Kompositionen zum Ersten Weltkrieg
    Elenco di composizioni (musica colta) della I Guerra Mondiale, soprattutto di area tedesca (ma non solo), a cura di Stefan Hanheide e Tina Vogel.
  • Deutsche Volkslieder Archiv 1914-1918
    Archivio dei testi dei canti popolari tedeschi (fra cui quelli dei soldati) dal XV al XX secolo, con sezione dedicata alla Prima Guerra Mondiale

Archivi sonori & video

  • First World War · Vintage audio & video
    This section of the website contains archive recordings – audio and video – of politicians, royalty, commanders, battles, songs and speeches from the wartime era.
  • Sources on populare songs of World War I
    World War I resulted in the creation of a remarkably large body of popular songs devoted to wartime themes. Thousands of songs were written about the war, some of which are still familiar nearly a century later. Songs such as “Over There” and “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary” were hits in their day and are still known by many people today.
    The UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive includes more than 100 recordings related to World War I. We have compiled a thematic playlist of some of the most important and interesting songs from the time of the Great War, as well as a list of resources on music during World War I.
  • British Library Sounds
    Listen to a selection from the British Library’s extensive collections of unique sound recordings, which come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound: music, drama and literature, oral history, wildlife and environmental sounds. [contiene anche registrazioni di conversazioni dalle trincee della Grande Guerra, brani degli anni della guerra sia classici che di popular music]

Portali di eventi

  • Centenario Italiano 1914-1918. Documenti e immagini della Grande Guerra
    Il portale è costituito da un grande archivio di immagini di straordinario interesse storico che consente la conoscenza e la valorizzazione di collezioni possedute da istituzioni diverse tra cui archivi, musei, biblioteche. Si rende così consultabile sul web, in forma unitaria e con semplici suddivisioni tipologiche, un importante patrimonio documentario poco conosciuto o del tutto inedito.
  • First World War Centenary 2014-2018 [portale contenente tutti gli eventi mondiali nell’ambito del Centenario]
    E’ possibile aggiungere i propri eventi e cercare per nazione, data, tipologia, ecc.
  • Gateways of the WW1 [portale contenente tutti gli eventi organizzati nell’ambito del Centenario inglese]
    Gateways to the First World War is a centre for public engagement with the First World War centenary funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The aim of the Gateways team is to encourage and support public interest in the centenary of the First World War through a range of events and activities such as open days and study days, advice on access to materials and expertise, and signposting for other resources and forms of support. The Centre is managed by the University of Kent in partnership with the Universities of Brighton, Greenwich, Portsmouth, Leeds and Queen Mary, London. It also has close links with organisations such as the Imperial War Museum, National Maritime Museum and the War Memorials Trust.

Altre risorse web (arte, poesia & foto), siti tematici

  • The Sound of the Trenches. World War One in music
    Mostra online di fotografie, digitalizzate da Europeana, dedicate alla presenza di musica e strumenti musicali durante e dopo la Grande Guerra.
  • Arte nella Grande Guerra
    Le opere d’arte e gli scritti dei soldati della Prima Guerra Mondiale.
  • The First World War Poetry Digital Archive
    The First World War Poetry Digital Archive is an online repository of over 7000 items of text, images, audio, and video for teaching, learning, and research.
    The heart of the archive consists of collections of highly valued primary material from major poets of the period. This is supplemented by a comprehensive range of multimedia artefacts from the Imperial War Museum, a separate archive of over 6,500 items contributed by the general public, and a set of specially developed educational resources. Freely available to the public as well as the educational community, the First World War Poetry Digital Archive is a significant resource for studying the First World War and the literature it inspired.
  • The Great War Archive Flickr Group
    “The Great War Archive” was an initiative run by Oxford University between the 3rd March and the 30th June 2008.
    The aim of this initiative was to collect together digitised material related to the First World War held by members of the public. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we can no longer accept any formal contributions via the website, however to continue to provide you with the opportunity to share you First World War objects with the world we have set up this Flickr Group.
  • Cellelager 1917-1918
    Prigionieri della Grande Guerra nel Lager di Celle
  • The London Musicals 1915-1915
    Repertorio che raccoglie e commenta tutti i musicals londinesi dal 1910 al 2014.

Struttura di missione per gli anniversari di interesse nazionale